
Connecting to an Exasol Database

Connecting to an Exasol Database

EXASOL is the worlds fastest in-memory, high-performance analytic database which is designed for big data analytics.

EXASOL makes real-time analysis of large volumes of data possible in by combining in-memory technology, massively parallel processing (MPP) and column-based storage and compression.

Follow the steps below to connect Yellowfin to your EXASOL database:

Step 1: Download EXASOL JDBC Driver.

  • Download the latest version of the EXASOL JDBC Driver here.

    Yellowfin does not ship with this driver due to licensing reasons.

  • Execute the installer you downloaded and locate the exajdbc.jar file.

Step 2: Add the Driver in Yellowfin.

  • Access the Yellowfin Plugin Management page within the Admin Console.

    Plugin Management

  • Click on the Add button at the bottom of the existing plugins list and provide a name and description for the plugin.

    Loading the Exasol JDBC driver

  • Drag and drop your JDBC driver (exajdbc.jar) file into the area provided.

    Drag and Drop Driver

  • Once Yellowfin has finished processing your file, click Submit. You will now see the driver in the list.

    Plugin List

Step 3: Adding a Data Source in Yellowfin.

  • Click on Create to add a new Data Source.

    New data source

  • Click on Database as your Data Source.

    New connection

  • Give you Data Source a Name and Description and choose “Exasol” from the available database options. New configuration fields will appear on doing so./p>

    Exasol Database type

  • Select the “Include Schema in SQL” checkbox to add the schema name when addressing database tables in SQL queries.

    Include Schema in SQL

  • Enter the name or IP address of the server hosting the Exasol database in the Database Host field.

    Database Host

  • Yellowfin will display the default TCP/IP port number for this connection. Make sure this is the port that your database is running on.

    Database Port

  • Specify the default schema that should be opened after login. I am using the demo schema provided by Exasol as an example.

    Default Schema

  • The JDBC driver to talk to your Exasol database will be selected. A list of all additional drivers will be displayed if available.

    JDBC Driver

  • Enter the username and password of your database account.

    Username and Password

  • You can now Test your connection to validate the above parameters and ensure that you can connect to your database.

    Test Connection

    Connection Succeeded